Healing Art

Why Is It Important To Heal Your Soul?

Do you have a bad habit that you just can’t break? Have you gone on diets only to gain back everything and then some more? Do you have physical discomfort that won’t heal even though your doctor can’t find a reason for it?

We’ve all spent a good majority of our lives trying to heal our bodies with medication. Don’t get me wrong, I do think medicines and doctors are necessary in improving acute symptoms. But for persistent issues like the ones above, I feel like we’re missing something from the equation.

I believe this is where soul healing comes in. I think we subconsciously sabotage ourselves because deep inside, we believe we don’t deserve to be at our best. Most of us live our lives believing that we are not good enough. And we hate that we’re not good enough. If we don’t even like ourselves, the motivation to take care of yourself simply doesn’t exist.

In order to heal, we need to change our inner dialogue. Our thoughts and emotions are energies, so it makes sense to me to add energy healing into the equation. It makes sense to do shadow work by journaling so that you can learn to love ourselves, even at our worst.

I believe this is something that will eventually be supported by science. If you look at top athletes, they already incorporate mental conditioning as part of their routine. But it’s not just for athletes. We can all benefit from changing the way we look at ourselves.

I want you to know that I’m not done with my soul healing yet. I still struggle with my own self image sometimes, and I imagine I will for the rest of my life. But I can tell you, those moments are a lot fewer. I can reframe my mind a lot faster. And I want you to feel that way too.

Ready to try it out for yourself? Please contact me at SonoSonoStudio@gmail.com, and we’ll heal our souls together!

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