Healing Art

Month: December 2021

Recognizing the Negative Spin In the Media

Last week, I talked about managing your anxiety and balancing your inputs and outputs in response to recent incidents at my son’s school. At that point, I would say that I was still trying to bring down my anxiety rather than keeping it at a manageable level. I was...

When Your Anxiety Spikes

There’s something I want everyone to understand about soul healing. Soul healing is not about having a perfect life and being in a great mood all the time. We all have survival instincts that make us have knee-jerk reactions to various situations in our lives. You’re going to get...

How to Live Comfortably with Your Period

After writing about being comfortable with our bodies and about the miracle of our conception, I don’t think I can ignore the big issue of our monthly period. I have yet to meet a woman who enjoys having a period. I’m not one either, but I have developed an...

An Ode to Our Miraculous Bodies

One of the most fascinating thing about women’s bodies, I think, is the fact that we’re born with all the egg cells that we will ever have. It’s estimated that the number is somewhere around one million to two million. Just imagine a tiny baby arriving on this earth...

Gender Equality & Neutrality

Last week,  I touched just a little bit on gender equality and neutrality in my post about the collective consciousness. In it, I speculated about a future in which everyone chose to be gender neutral.  It was an example that I came up with at the spar of the...

Shift in the Collective Consciousness

Do you still listen to the radio? I almost never do, but for some reason, I tuned in yesterday morning. And I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. They were talking about death! It was not the usual depressing news about someone shooting another. It was a meaningful discussion...

Wisdom Hidden in Japanese Words with 気 Ki

Since I’ve been doing so many journaling prompts, let’s take a break and talk about reiki 霊気. Two Chinese characters, 霊 (rei) or spirit, and 気 (ki) or universal energy, make up the word reiki.  In this context, 気 is the Japanese equivalent of Chi or Qi in Chinese...