Healing Art

Month: January 2022

New Black and White Kaleidoscope Mandala Design

My creative energy often comes around in cycles. Sometimes, I really have to write and don’t want to be bothered with illustrations. Sometimes, I really want to draw and struggle to write. And then once I’ve released a majority of what I needed to express in words or in...

Make a List and Check It Twice

If you’re looking for love, make a list of all the qualities you want in a partner.  Looking to move? Visualize the house you want to live in. Not satisfied with your job? Write down what your ideal job will be like. Be as detailed as possible.  Suggestions like...

Putting the Law of Attraction to Work

In the last post about New Year’s Resolutions, I briefly mentioned the law of attraction. It’s a concept that’s very popular in the spirituality circles, but I also think it can be misunderstood easily. If you are not familiar with the law of attraction, it’s this concept that you...