Healing Art

Sending Distance Reiki to Putin

Hello! I know it’s been a while since my last post. There were a lot of things going on personally, and there were a lot of emotions to process in regards to the Russian – Ukrainian war. I just didn’t know where to start!  One very interesting thing came up during the past month, though, and I think I’m ready to talk about it now. It’s about sending distance reiki to Vladimir Putin. 

To be honest, I had already begun doing so while I was writing my last post.  But I wasn’t even sure if I was doing the right thing. I didn’t have the courage to openly admit that I was sending reiki to Putin, so I only asked that you keep your heart open for the Russians who were resisting.

But as I connected with others who are also reiki practitioners, I realized I wasn’t alone. Many of us were independently drawn to the idea of helping Putin heal energetically. 

Can You Heal Putin with Reiki?

For me, my desire was to heal and strengthen his inner child, so that Putin would no longer be able to ignore the voice within shouting “This isn’t right!” I googled his childhood photos, and pictured it in my mind as I performed reiki. I usually felt my chest tighten.  When I pictured the current Putin in mind, my body also shook.

After about a week of this, my kids got sick, and I concentrated on them instead. Even though I knew that reiki never does harm, I wasn’t comfortable sending reiki to Putin at the same time as my children. But in the back of my mind, there was a nagging question, “Is that really the right thing to do?” I kept picturing Putin’s mother nursing her own child back to health, praying that he would feel better soon. Were we so different?  Were my children so different from Putin? Could I say the words “We all are one” again with a clear conscious if I excluded Putin?  I think it’s perfectly ok for people to answer these questions differently, but for me, the answer was no. 

So, I tried sending distance reiki again. This time, I pictured Putin as a baby, then I followed along from his mother’s perspective as he grew into a toddler all the way into adulthood. It felt like I managed to slip under his egoic armor and connected with his true self underneath the persona that he created for himself.  Though I still felt a slight pain in my chest, I felt peace.  And I felt the presence of others who were doing the same thing.

Who Are We Really Healing?

I know with the images coming out of Bucha, Ukraine, it feels wrong to even see him as a fellow human being. It’s so much easier to just label him as a monster and say “I will never be like him.” But from my past experiences, I’ve learned that a strong resistance to accept and understand a person or a situation is a huge red flag. It’s a sign from the universe that’s pointing out an area that I really need to delve deeper into.

In this light, I realized that Putin was reflecting back to me my own evil side. My selfish side. My violent side. The self-righteous me that lies to myself. The part of me that needs to control everything in order to create the illusion of safety. And by doing the distance reiki, I learned that I could accept Putin even though I may be vehemently against what he is doing. If I could do that, then I could also learn to accept myself even if I may regret some of the things I’ve done in the heat of the moment. In the end, my desire to send reiki to Putin was an attempt to bring more peace and acceptance to myself.

The more I do reiki, the more I recognize the truth in the words, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” We are not helpless individuals because we hold the power to change ourselves. By learning to love ourselves unconditionally, we learn to love everyone unconditionally.

If you resonated with this post and you know how to do reiki, I’d love to know what you gained from sending distance reiki to Putin. If you don’t know how to do reiki, that’s OK! You can do the loving-kindness meditation. It has the same effect.

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