Healing Art

Tag: Self-Respect

Go! Go! Go! You Can Have It All!

“Go! Go! Go! You can have it all!” – an excerpt from the song Have It All by Jason Mraz I don’t remember what lead me to skip a line 6 years ago, but just before this verse is another line that says: “Go! Go! Go! Raise Your Glasses”. In a...

May You Get a Gold Star on Your Next Test

“May you get a gold star on your next test” – an excerpt from the song Have It All by Jason Mraz When you were little, did you look forward to getting a gold star or a sticker from your teacher? I grew up in Japan, which uses a slightly different...

May You be Treated Like an Esteemed Guest

Let’s imagine for just a second that you get an opportunity to meet one person, someone that you truly respect. You get to spend an evening with them, however and wherever you’d like. Who would you choose to meet? How would you treat this esteemed guest? What would you...