Recognizing the Negative Spin In the Media
Last week, I talked about managing your anxiety and balancing your inputs and outputs in response to recent incidents at my son’s school. At that point, I would say that I was still trying to bring down my anxiety rather than keeping it at a manageable level. I was...
Gender Equality & Neutrality
Last week, I touched just a little bit on gender equality and neutrality in my post about the collective consciousness. In it, I speculated about a future in which everyone chose to be gender neutral. It was an example that I came up with at the spar of the...
Shift in the Collective Consciousness
Do you still listen to the radio? I almost never do, but for some reason, I tuned in yesterday morning. And I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. They were talking about death! It was not the usual depressing news about someone shooting another. It was a meaningful discussion...