Healing Art

May You Get a Gold Star on Your Next Test

“May you get a gold star on your next test” – an excerpt from the song Have It All by Jason Mraz

When you were little, did you look forward to getting a gold star or a sticker from your teacher? I grew up in Japan, which uses a slightly different marking system, so I looked forward to receiving a “hana-maru” or a “flower circle.” It was basically a spiral with flower petals all around it that showed that you did a great job.

You might look back and wonder how something so simple can make a child happy. But I think it shows that a praise in any form can have a big impact on all of us. And I mean ALL of us, including the adults. Because somewhere deep within each of us, that little child is still there. We still love receiving that gold star.

Well, if you recognize that child within you, here’s the good news. You don’t have to wait for a teacher or another adult to give you that gold star anymore! No one else is in charge of assessing how you are doing, except you. You get to acknowledge the effort you are putting in to pass this big test called life. You can be that one teacher that always noticed you and saw the good in you. Be generous with your gold stars. Give yourself a sticker for just showing up.

You might feel silly doing it for the first time, but I honestly think you are doing something very important. When you practice appreciating yourself, you become more capable of noticing the good qualities in others, too. You become adept at giving genuine praise without a hint of irony. Do you know how many people in the world need that right now?

So fill your heart up with lots of praise and recognition. Keep going until it overflows. When you get to that point, then you are truly ready to fill someone else’s cup.

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