Healing Art

May You be Treated Like an Esteemed Guest

Let’s imagine for just a second that you get an opportunity to meet one person, someone that you truly respect. You get to spend an evening with them, however and wherever you’d like. Who would you choose to meet? How would you treat this esteemed guest? What would you like to do with them? Where would you like to stay?

The reason I ask is because your answers probably reflect your ideas about what respect means to you. Those are most likely the ways in which you would like to be treated, if you were the guest in someone else’s home.

Now, here’s the question that I most want to ask: Are you treating yourself with that kind of respect?

Did you answer no? Well, join the club! Most people, including myself, would probably have the same answer. But it doesn’t need to be that way. There’s no need to wait for someone else to show you the respect you would like to receive. You are the only one in the world who knows what respect looks like and feels like to you. You are the only one in the world who can treat you with respect, in exactly the way you would like to be treated. There’s no guesswork involved!

So, be the first in line, at the beginning of the day, to show you some respect. Be the person that gives you the one last compliment at the end of the day. Even if you can’t give yourself everything on the list yet, give yourself what you can. And don’t ever forget that you are worthy of receiving the utmost respect.

“May you be treated like an esteemed guest.” – Jason Mraz, an excerpt from the song Have It All

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