Healing Art

May We Spread Love and Gratitude Like a Wellspring

The month of May has flown by, and we’ve already reached the last day. I hope my posts have helped you understand reiki a little better and opened new possibilities. For the final post for this year’s A Month of Mays challenge, let me discuss how reiki encourages a deeper connection with our surroundings, and thus, help us feel love and gratitude at a deeper level too.

When you learn to incorporate reiki into your daily routine, you become more aware of your connection to the rest of the world. Mundane tasks start getting more interesting, and stressful situations don’t bother you as much. Driving in heavy traffic, for example, can sometimes bring out the worst parts within us. But by shifting our focus on gratitude and love, we can help change the time stuck in a bumper to bumper traffic be much less stressful and emotionally productive. 

Driving Under the Influence of Reiki

One thing I like to do when I see an aggressive driver is to send out a wish that the person gets home safely. Then I send out the same wish for all the drivers around me. I “stamp” the first reiki symbol (or sometimes a heart shape) on each car in my mind, sending out loving, protective energy along with it. The aggressive driver is like a giant post-it note, reminding me to shift my thoughts to kinder ones.

If I notice myself getting hung up on something that happened earlier in the day, I try to shift my focus by feeling gratitude for everything I encounter on the road. For starters, you can thank the people who created the road you are driving on. There’s the engineer who helped to make sure that the road is going to be safe and useful. Then there’s the people who created the asphalt, those who paved the road and painted the lines. Someone had to create and place the traffic lights and signs. The lights wouldn’t work without electricity and someone who figured out the right timing for the best traffic flow. I probably missed other workers who make your daily commute possible, but you get the idea!

Make Love and Gratitude A Daily Routine

You can use this technique pretty much any time of the day and at any place. When you are eating, consider sending love and gratitude to everyone involved in creating what’s on your plate, under the plate, and all around the plate. When you are working, be grateful for the people who make it possible for you to earn a living. At the end of the day, thank the people who made your bedding. This is also a great time to thank your home for a safe place to sleep in. Once you pick an item and send gratitude to everyone who created it it, you realize just how much you depend on others to make your day pass by smoothly.

No one is an island. We all need each other to survive. If that’s the case, doesn’t it make sense to send loving thoughts to people all around you? Reiki practitioners are in an unique place because we know how to connect to the infinite source of love. We owe it to the world to share that love with everyone and everything that surround us.

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