Healing Art

May We Build a Loving Connection with Inanimate Objects

As I mentioned in my previous post about using reiki on your pets and houseplants, reiki is not just for people. What are some other things that you can use reiki on? Honestly, everything you can think of!! Using reiki on objects is like blessing that object. You can use it on your food and your favorite possessions. You can use reiki on everything inside your home, outside of your home, and the home itself. 

How to Use Reiki on Inanimate Objects

Whether you are using reiki on a person or on an object, I personally feel like it works better when you imagine the energy circulating. If the object is small, you can hold it between your hands. If the object is large, like a house, stand somewhere where you are comfortable placing two hands. Standing inside the doorframe works great for me. Then, connect with reiki and imagine the energy flowing out of your dominant hand. Picture the warm, loving energy circulating through the object and then flowing back into your other hand. Let it pass through your heart before letting it flow back out from the dominant hand again.

It’s perfectly ok if you don’t feel comfortable doing this in the beginning. Afterall, most of us have been taught to view an inanimate object as just that: an object. It feels silly to connect with objects so intimately! If you don’t feel comfortable placing your hands on your house, or you just want to be a little more discreet about it, you can also shrink down the item in your imagination and pretend that you are cupping it between your hands. It’s the same technique I mentioned in the post about using reiki on a pet.

Free Yourself from Self-Judgment

The more you do this, the more it becomes natural to view each object as an individual. It’s a bit like going back to your childhood, when you used to name all your toys. I never thought I would be doing anything so “silly”, but I have a name for my house now, and I thank it for protecting me every day. It’s a small gesture, and I don’t even say it out loud, but it makes me feel more connected to my house. And it does make me wonder just how much of the things that gets labeled as “silly” or “crazy” is actually a more genuine way to live.

Living in harmony with everything in your home including your family, your pets, and your possessions makes it feel a little more welcoming. It motivates you to take good care of everything. It has also increased the level of gratitude I feel at all times. Call me crazy if you want, but I don’t think I could ever go back to viewing my posessions as “just” objects.

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