Healing Art

May the Best of Your Todays be the Worst of Your Tomorrows

“May the best of your todays be the worst of your tomorrows” – an excerpt from the song Have It All by Jason Mraz

About two weeks ago, I started attending Tai Ji classes. Tai ji is very complex. It has many, many steps that could take almost an hour to complete in full! The whole time, you have to pay attention to your spacing, your balance, your pace, your posture, and of course, the actual movement.

I’ve only learned the first few steps, but I already get confused on certain transitions. There’s one move where I’m not supposed to shift my weight yet, but my body keeps wanting to. Even when I do my best and remember not to shift, I know that I have other areas that I can improve. At the same time, I also know that with consistent practice, these steps will eventually come easy to me. My “best” today will be my “worst” in the future.

If I’m willing to think back in ernest, there are many aspects of my life that has improved dramatically. 6 years ago, when I first posted this picture, my life was very different. There are so many past “bests” that have turned into my current “worsts”. One big one is my mental state. I think I was already starting to work on mindfulness then, but compared to now, I had so much anxiety and fear. Back then, it took 30 to 45 minutes to wind my mind down enough to fall asleep. Now, with reiki, I can fall asleep within 5 minutes.

How about you? Are your days getting better and better every day? With the doom and gloom messaging we consistently get from the media, it’s easy to believe that our days are getting worse and worse. But you should be able to find many examples of improvements within your life, too. You just have to be willing to look. We deserve to recognize our growth and celebrate them. In fact, I think it’s necessary to acknowledge them so that we can remain hopeful.

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