Healing Art

If You Believe It Then Anything Can Happen

“No matter what your path is, if you believe it then anything can happen” – an excerpt from the song Have It All by Jason Mraz

Yesterday, I said two things are necessary for manifestation. First is imagination. Now let’s talk about the other, faith.

Even if you have a great imagination, if you can’t believe that your dream is achievable, you are not likely to manifest it. You have to have faith that you are capable of achieving the thing that you want. You have to believe that you deserve to have your dream life. And then you have to trust that your inner guides are leading you to the highest good, not just for you but for the rest of the world.

We place so many limitations on ourselves, yet we are often completely unaware that we’re doing it. We tell ourselves that we can’t do it because of this or that, but so many of those are just excuses. We’d rather believe that we are not capable than to face the possibility of failure.

Being your biggest fan takes a lot of courage. A lot of times, it’s easier to believe the naysayers. Your unshakable faith in yourself, though, is what will get you across the finish line.

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