Here’s to the Good Times We’re Gonna Have

“Here’s to the good times we’re gonna have” – an excerpt from the song Have It All by Jason Mraz
The funny thing about human beings is that no matter how wonderful our lives might be, we get used to it. We are always looking for something better. We are always in search of the “good times”, whatever that may be.
Our everyday lives are filled with inventions designed to make our lives better. Yet, we still want more, more, more. Lots of people go on vacations to get away from the kind of life that our ancestors could only dream of. We fly off somewhere, complaining about the inconveniences we have to deal with in order to travel by air. Never mind the fact that we’re traveling distances that would be unthinkable just a handful of generations ago.
I most certainly cannot claim to be above all of that. I often find myself in the same mindset of wanting more. For years, I came back from vacations even more tired than before I left. I knew something was not right, but what?
It took me a long time, but I’m finally realizing that what I needed to do was to stop looking for answers on the outside. I had to know myself and to be the one to take care of me. We can only appreciate the good times when we are capable of recognizing it. If we are too tired, we don’t have the capacity to enjoy what’s happening. If we’re already at our mental limits, we end up feeling resentful of the people around us instead of appreciating their presence.
We don’t need to conform to other people’s ideas of a good time. Staying home and resting is much better for you if that’s what you physically need. If you take care of yourself, you realize you can appreciate and enjoy your life anywhere. As Jason says in another one of his songs, “You don’t need a vacation when there’s nothing to escape from.”