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Books For Soul Growth

My Favorite Books

Here’s a list of my favorite books I encountered on my soul healing journey. They are, I believe, in the order that I discovered them, meaning those on the top of the list are generally more accessible to a spiritual newbie. Those near the bottom will probably require you to keep an open mind. Still, you don’t have to believe every word in order to gain something from these books. Try to suspend your disbelief and pay attention to what they are truly saying underneath it all. You’ll find they contain so much wisdom!

  • A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

An Oprah’s Book Club selection, A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle allowed me to recognize two levels of consciousness within my mind. One that was constantly chattering, and another observing it. This was a game changer. It helped me stop and observe the complaints and criticisms running through my head. I finally realized that many of my thoughts are not even true once you take a second look!

  • The Afterlife of Billy Fingers by Annie Kagan

In The Afterlife of Billy Fingers, Annie Kagan writes about how her brother Billy began “visiting” her after his death. Whether you interpret this book as fiction or non-fiction is up to you, but it was comforting for me at a moment when I was struggling to make sense of a death in my extended family.

  • Dying to Be Me by Anita Moorjani

Dying to Be Me by Anita Moorjani recounts how her body recovered from end-stage cancer after a Near-Death Experiencethe. This book opened up my eyes to the influence our minds have over our bodies. Anita was discovered by Dr. Wayne Dyer, whom I would also recommend for those just beginning the spiritual journey. There are just too many books I’d love to recommend, so I had to whittle the list down quite a bit.

  • You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

Louise Hay was integral for my initial soul growth. First, her book You Can Heal Your Life helped me understand the correlation between body and mind in relation to certain diseases. Listening to her affirmations on YouTube helped me reconnect with my inner child as well. And finally, hearing her say “You are your own savior,” was the kick in the stomach I needed to take responsibility for my own life.

  • Conversations with God Series by Neale Donald Walsch

Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch is another book that might challenge your understanding of fiction and nonfiction initially. However, if you can get past it, it’s fascinating and deeply insightful. It also inspired me to have delving conversations with myself while journaling. 

  • Ami: Child of Stars by Enrique Barrios

One thing I really enjoy about having my feet in two different cultures is that sometimes, I learn about books well known in one culture but not the other.  Ami: Child of Stars (Omi in the new updated version) by Enrique Barrios was originally written in Spanish back in 1986. It’s not popular in the U.S., but in Japan, it’s still the #1 bestseller in the Spanish literature category. I hope you’ll give this story about a little alien visitor a try!

In the next post, I’ll share some of my go-to YouTubers I’m watching. I’m a book lover at heart, but I do find the information available in that platform more current at times.

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