Healing Art

Author: sonosonostudio

Shift in the Collective Consciousness

Do you still listen to the radio? I almost never do, but for some reason, I tuned in yesterday morning. And I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. They were talking about death! It was not the usual depressing news about someone shooting another. It was a meaningful discussion...

Wisdom Hidden in Japanese Words with 気 Ki

Since I’ve been doing so many journaling prompts, let’s take a break and talk about reiki 霊気. Two Chinese characters, 霊 (rei) or spirit, and 気 (ki) or universal energy, make up the word reiki.  In this context, 気 is the Japanese equivalent of Chi or Qi in Chinese...

When Being a Victim Creates More Victims

Tell me if you recognize this situation. Someone in your life does something that makes you feel hurt, so you tell that person how you feel. All you want is an apology, but what you get instead is an excuse, maybe even an accusation that it was really your...

Gratitude Journal

Since we celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday here in the United States, I think it’s a perfect time to take a deeper look into keeping a gratitude journal. I hope you got a chance to get together with someone you care about yesterday, and that you got to appreciate what you...

Road to Self-Acceptance

Self-acceptance is a must in regaining control over your life from your survival instinct, or your ego. But it doesn’t come at a snap of a finger. I struggled with this for years! Deep down, I didn’t think I deserved self-acceptance. I would talk about the need for self-acceptance...

Don’t Underestimate Your Survival Instinct

***NOTE*** I believe our survival instinct and what people call “ego” are one and the same. I’m choosing to use the phrase “survival instinct” because people have such a negative connotation of the word “ego”. I didn’t want the repulsion of the word to influence your understanding of my...

Write Down Your Emotions

If you’ve never journaled before, the place to start is writing down every emotion you notice within yourself. Most of us have emotions that we’ve tucked away, too afraid to look at them. It might be because we feel guilty about harboring these emotions. We might believe we don’t...

Who’s the Healer?

Now that I’ve got the introductory information out of the way, I can finally write about topics that I’ve been itching to share! Today, I’ll get started on Reiki Study Hall, which I hope will be a place where reiki students and anyone interested in energy healing can come...

My Favorite YouTube Channels

While reading is still something that I enjoy, YouTube has become a great source of information for me. In fact, I encountered some of my favorite books through YouTube.  For topics such as energy healing, which is still not very mainstream, YouTube is often the only place to find...

Books For Soul Growth

Here’s a list of my favorite books I encountered on my soul healing journey. They are, I believe, in the order that I discovered them, meaning those on the top of the list are generally more accessible to a spiritual newbie. Those near the bottom will probably require you...