Healing Art

Month of Mays: May We Relax to Gain Strength

In the past few days, thanks to the popularity of Star Wars Day, you might have caught glimpses of Jedis using “the Force” on TV reruns or YouTube clips. They most likely looked pretty tense, straining with concentration. That’s one place where reiki is completely different from the Force. We don’t have to force reiki! It flows best when we relax. 

Relax! You are in Good Hands!

During a reiki session, once you connect with reiki and set your intentions, there’s only one thing left to do for both the practitioner and the client. Relax! Reiki will take care of the rest. You, as a “healer”, don’t actually need to actively heal anyone. You’re just there to be a tangible connection to the reiki energy. The healing energy will flow where it needs to go and have the effect that’s necessary for the highest good of all. 

Still, for a beginner who is not sure what reiki is supposed to feel like, “Am I doing it right?” is a question that always stays in the back of the mind. There’s a surprising side effect that can accurately answer that question for you: Falling asleep! After your first attunement, you are expected to practice every day by doing self-healing. Lots of new students end up worrying needlessly because they often fall asleep before getting to all 16 positions. Most teachers, however, will be happy to hear this since it means that you relaxed enough to connect with reiki! So, if you get sleepy in the middle of self-healing, pat yourself on the back! You are doing great.

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Relaxation!

Reiki is not the only method of healing that encourages relaxation. For example, in the Silva Method developed by Jose Silva, you are supposed to relax until your brain waves reach what is known as the alpha state. This is the state of deep relaxation you reach just before falling asleep. Hypnotherapy is another that utilizes this state. With the prevalence of stress induced illnesses in today’s society, I think it makes a lot of sense that relaxation plays a role in your healing. 

Maybe it’s different when you are trying to move large objects with the Force, but I do wonder if the Jedis could have been even stronger if they learned to relax a little! In the case of energy healing, at least, it seems relaxation plays a crucial part.

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