Healing Art

May We Become Aware of the Energy Flow Around Us

Have you ever used reiki or any other forms of energy healing before? If I say to you that you are capable of controling the energy flow around you, even without any training whatsoever, would you believe me? You might answer “no” to the questions above, but I bet you would answer “yes” to at least one of the questions below:

  1. Have you ever placed your hands on your belly when you got a stomach ache?
  2. Have you ever placed your hands over your heart when it started racing?
  3. Have you ever given a hug to a child who fell and got hurt?

Well, if you answered yes to any of them, you have a natural instinct for energy healing. You are already using reiki to an extent!  And with a little practice, you’ll be able to use it consistently. 

Feel the Energy Flow All Around You

The starting point, I believe, is to just notice how prevalent energy is within your body and out in the world. Because energy is invisible, we hardly notice how deeply immersed we are in energy. Yet, your heart cannot beat and your lungs cannot breathe without energy flow. Every thought that crosses your mind and every emotion that you feel is also energy. You interact and communicate with the world by using energy. 

As you lay down in bed tonight, try concentrating on the sensations in your palms and the bottoms of your feet. Can you feel a subtle tingling or pulsation? Maybe a little warmth? Next time you feel a strong emotion, try to detect the quality of the energy you’re emitting out to the world. Is it warm and inviting? Or is it cold and thorny? Can you change it by changing your thoughts?

At the most basic level, we are energy. When you think about it that way, does it seem that farfetched to think that we’re capable of influencing our physical health with energy? We truly are capable of energy healing. All of us are. We just need to give ourselves the permission to believe it!

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