Healing Art

We Are Earthlings : We All Are One

We All Are One Coloring Page

How are you handling the events of the past week? Are you feeling anxious? Helpless? Frustrated? Probably all of the above, and many more. My dreams are war-related. I dreamt of a memorial along a fence with toy after toy lined up to represent each of the dead. I think they were toys to remind us that each person that died was someone’s child, Ukrainian or Russian. I’m overwhelmingly saddened by the situation, yet I don’t know what I can do about it. How can I bring more light into these seemingly very dark days? What can we all do, as one?

There is one thing that gives me a glimmer of hope. From what I’ve seen so far, this is a very different war. With the availability of the internet and especially social media, individuals all around the world have easier access to participate. And the traditional media isn’t painting the Russians as “the enemy” in one fell swoop. There seem to be a general understanding that not every Russian is behind this war 100%.

Which, I feel is very important because we can’t afford to alienate the very people who can bring change from the inside out. We need them. Vladimir Putin may seem like the man that holds all the power, but he isn’t. He’s not personally aiming every missile at the target. He’s not personally pulling all the triggers. He needs the cooperation of his citizens. The ones who truly hold the power are the citizens of Russia.

What Can I Do for Ukrainians and Russians?

It doesn’t seem like there is a lot that I could do for them directly, but I want to use this space to show my support and encouragement to everyone who is operating out of love. It doesn’t matter what your nationality is because we are all citizens of Earth. The choices you make will impact us all eventually, even if it’s not very apparent. Thank you for your strength and courage. Thank you for your faith in humanity. We all are one.

And if you can, and only if it feels right to you, I hope you will hold a space of kindness for those who you see as enemies. You can be completely against their actions and still view them with compassion. If you were born under the exact same circumstances they were born under, and if you had the exact same experiences in life as they did, you might have made the same decisions as they did. You never know.

The power of prayer is still a controversial topic, but one thing I can tell you is that when I send reiki to the world these days, it feels different. When I ask to let Love flow through me for the highest good of all, the surge of energy is incredible. I truly believe it’s going where it is needed the most. So these days, I pray for all the pain in the world, both physical and emotional, to be transmuted to love. I would be so happy it if you would give prayer a chance and join me.

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